Thursday, March 5, 2020

Ambitious Introverts 7 Simple Insider Tips to Get You Promoted - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Ambitious Introverts 7 Simple Insider Tips to Get You Promoted - Introvert Whisperer Ambitious Introverts: 7 Simple Insider Tips to Get You Promoted Introvert or not, most of us are ambitious even if we don’t openly admit it. Certainly, the majority of us are always looking for more pay and growth. However, sometimes a promotion seems elusive for us Ambitious Introverts, and we’re left not knowing exactly what to do next. Does that sound like you? If you’re pondering what your next move is to get promoted, consider following these tips. Just so you know, I’ve had hundreds of people reporting to me over the years, which mean evaluating them for possible promotion was ongoing. Tip #1: Know Your Performance Expectations All too many people are clueless about what is expected of them and how they will be measured. Rest assured that you are being measured even if it is only in the mind of your management. If you are barely meeting their expectations, you can’t expect a promotion until you get this basic in place for a while. Tip #2: Know What It Takes to Get Promoted Again, a simple task but overlooked by most. Go ask your management specific skills they would like to see from you to get you to that next level. Tip #3: Take On More Take on a task or project typically performed at the next level. This will not only show you have initiative but it will show you can perform at the next level. Tip #4: Get Visibility to Your Accomplishments It’s not enough to simply work hard and get great results. You need to ensure that your results are visible to the decision makers. Consider doing a status report or presentation if appropriate. If not those things, at least stop by their office and give them an update. Tip #5: Take Responsibility As you go up the food chain, you usually take on more responsibility. Demonstrate you are responsible for yourself and others by asking to lead a project or train someone. Tip #6: Speak Up A tough one for introverts many times is contributing to discussions. You can gain visibility by simply speaking up, but also it shows you’re engaged. No one likes to promote someone that doesn’t show interest or engagement in the work. Tip #7: Get a Mentor We aren’t always objective about what or how well we do things. It may not be any easier to hear improvement input from the boss. A well-chosen mentor should be able to tell you how you are doing in such a way that you will “hear” it and do something with it. Your mentor should be at a higher level than you and have enough experience and insight that they can help guide you toward your goals. A third party is seriously helpful to your career. Make sure your expectations of a promotion are realistic to the business situation you are in. If the business is struggling or just had a layoff, it may be a while before anyone feels inclined to pay you more. If you do a few simple things on a consistent basis and keep the lines of communication open with your management, you are well on your way to a bigger paycheck. Go to top Bonus Tip: Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.  But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will?  If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote.    Start watching now! What one thing will you do next to reach for your next promotion? Image: Photobucket

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